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Debunking 4 Of The Most Common Myths About LASIK

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Do you have less-than-perfect vision and wear corrective eyewear (such as glasses or contacts) as a result? If so, and if you're tired of having to don those eyeglasses or put in contacts on a daily basis, then it may be time to consider LASIK surgery as a means of correcting your vision. Before you make a decision regarding LASIK, it's also a good idea to be aware of some of the most commonly perpetuated myths that are out there regarding this procedure.

You'll Always End Up With Perfect Vision

Perhaps the most common myth about LASIK is that if you have the surgery done, you'll always end up with "perfect" 20/20 vision. While LASIK does significantly improve your vision and it's likely that your vision will have improved enough to no longer require corrective eyewear, it's important to understand that there's no guarantee you'll end up with 20/20 vision. Your LASIK surgeon should be able to give you a better idea of the specific improvement you'll see from the procedure.

The Procedure Is Painful/Uncomfortable

Another common myth that needs to be debunked about LASIK is that it's painful or uncomfortable. In reality, before your procedure begins, your surgeon will apply a topical numbing solution in the form of eye drops to each eye. This will prevent you from feeling any of the incisions that will need to be made around the lens of the eye itself. In general, you shouldn't feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure at all.

It's Never Covered By Insurance

Believe it or not, there are some instances in which LASIK could be covered by your health and vision insurance! While it's not extremely common, some insurance companies will cover LASIK if it is deemed medically necessary or if you're in a profession where wearing traditional corrective eyewear is unsafe or impractical.

It's Too Expensive to Justify

Finally, before you write off LASIK entirely due to the cost, it's important to realize that not only has the price decreased significantly over the years, but it's often cheaper long-term to have LASIK done than it is to continue paying for refills on your contact lenses or new glasses every year.

These are just a few of the most common myths out there when it comes to LASIK eye surgery; with this information in mind, hopefully you can make a better informed decision about your eye care! Contact businesses like Idaho Eye and Laser Center to learn more.
